Storyteller Project

The storyteller guitar project is now underway; the instruments are mostly drafted and building has begun. Details and pictures of the building process can be found on the project-dedicated website at Below is the launch video, which gives you a pretty good impression of what the Storyteller Guitar Project is all about.

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The musicians I currently work with in this project are Kerri Stephens (singer/songwriter) and Michael Petkau Falk (Les Jupes/Head In The Sand).


Screen Shot 2013-04-03 at 10.46.56 AMKerri Stephens is a songwriter and a performer with Last Ditch On The Left as well as has 2 solo CD’s that have also been released under the name Kerri Woelke.  Her songwriting is very personal and varies between folk/roots and country. She has toured numerous times solo as well as with Last Ditch On The Left (w/ Brent Warren) “Kerri (Stephens) has a voice on par with the best. I admire her passion.” – Michael Longoria (Percussionist – Patty Griffin)

Oshima 2 bw lo resMichael P Falk is a songwriter and performer with Les Jupes, the owner of Head In The Sand Records, a record producer, and former Artistic Director of the West End Cultural Centre.  His songwriting alternates between gentle acoustic ballads and driving indie rock, and his work to support and grow the local music community has had him dubbed “the patron-saint of the Winnipeg music scene” (Jaxon Haldane, d.Rangers).

Mike has a very personal relationship to his instruments and has often taken a long time to find just the right one that “feels right”.  Like his songwriting, his playing technique ranges from gentle fingerpicking to aggressive angular riffing, and he looks for instruments that can balance both extremes.

His relationship to music formed in his late teens when he picked up a classical guitar given to him by Earl Dyck of Morden.  Mike never pursued lessons, but instead viewed the instrument as an outlet for creativity, experimentation and exploration.  In recent years he has hussled to catch up on theory to enhance his self-taught playing but continues to get excited by learning new chords, interesting progressions and unexpected melodies.

Florian Vorreiter started his apprenticeship in Austria and continued his lutherie studies at university in Germany. After his graduation in 2008, he opened his own workshop in Winnipeg and a store last year. His instruments span a broad range of styles and types, but they are all characterized by his love for hand tools and traditional craftsmanship, a certain obsession with artistic detail and a relentless drive to fuse artistry with instrument making.


Thanks go out to:

This project is being realized with the friendly support of the Manitoba Arts Council.


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